Music Bridges:
Guitar Project Graz - Pleven

Music connects people by bringing them together

In the ERASMUS+ project “Music Bridges: Guitar Project Graz – Pleven”, Bulgarian and Austrian guitar students and their teachers take advantage of this opportunity to build artistic and personal bridges between the participating cities of Graz and Pleven.

Dieses Projekt wird von der europäischen Union finanziert.

Janine L.
Das Projekt Erasmus+ war für mich persönlich eine tolle Erfahrung. Ich lernte in dieser Woche viel Neues dazu, wie zum Beispiel das richtige Präsentieren auf der Bühne, aber auch einige neuen Aufwärmübungen auf der Gitarre. Die Leute dort waren sehr nett und wir hatten sehr viel Spaß. Was ich sehr interessant fand, waren die Exkursionen die wir dort gemacht haben. Eine tolle Woche ging auch zu Ende und ich würde bei so einem Projekt aufjedenfall nochmal teilnehmen.
Javkhlanbayar K.
The 2 weeks where we met each other were really great and full of fun. I liked the week where we from Austria were in Bulgaria more, as we got there by plane, unlike – at least for me – a combination of bike, bus, and walking. My highlights definitely were the concerts, the second one in Bulgaria the most. I was nervous, but I played pretty well, so it wasn’t really necessary. The first meet-up with our Bulgarian guitar friends was also part of the highlights. The evening with the wonderful concert at the St. Martin concert hall was fun getting to know them, we talked for about 2 hours as far as I remember. The 2 weeks also gave me a lot of motivation to play guitar. Hearing many pieces I’ve never heard of, but also, having master classes with professional teachers made me more motivated in general. I would love to participate again in such a similar project, or even better, again with my same new friends.
Julianna K.
I was very happy about this project. It was good to meet the Bulgarian musicists and to play with them. The ensemble was a success and at the end everyone was really proud. I found it very good that we could have private lessons with the Bulgarian teachers not only ensemble lessons. It was lovely when we sang ’Don’t stop me now’ in the next room after the concert on the last day. I will never forget how we danced at the Gala dinner. It was fun. Although I was the youngest, the others understood me, although we did not speak very good English we could understand each other - mainly with the help of music.
Daniela B.
The Erasmus project opened my eyes to the future. It started me with both the culture and the lives of the people. My stay in Graz, Austria was stunning and I am sure I will remember it for many years. We had individual lessons with austrians and worked together as an ensemble with their students. This project made me want to put even more effort into what I love. To fight and not give up. I am sure that one day I will visit Austria again and whenever I think of it I will be glad that I had the opportunity to gain knowledge and be surrounded by people of music.
Juan Carlos G.
First of all, I would like to say, that I am one of Mr. Florian Paliers guitar students, my name is Juan Carlos Guzmán Palacios. 6 years ago, I discovered my love and talent for playing the guitar and also composing. It can be said that this was my first international guitar festival week abroad and I enjoyed quite everything. Although the food was a little bit unfamiliar to me, I really love the varieties of food over there. Now let´s turn to my experience in this week. I learned a lot of discipline and ambition for sure and other guitar playing techniques from other guitar teachers. It was also a really enriching experience to see how progress feels like with the whole orchestra. Furthermore, I got a lot of impressions and composing inspirations of the environment and nature, especially for my new composition „ Alturas No. 1 “. All in all I would like to emphasize that I learned things like be more consisting and hardworking and also to never give up and as much ambitious as you can.
Samuil B.
Erasmus+ project was very needed and useful because we had many months in isolation and we didn’t have many concerts. In Graz the hotel was beautiful and it’s located on a very nice place. The most interesting places in Graz were clocktower Schlossberg, Kunsthaus museum and Rathaus. In Vienna was very beautiful with amazing buildings and castles. In Bulgaria was very nice because we have spend more time together. The most useful things were masterclasses, concerts and teamwork in ensemble. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this project.
Viktor V.
Alles, was ich während der Reise nach Österreich gesehen habe, war unglaublich schön - der Ausflug nach Wien, der Spaziergang durch Graz und die zahlreichen, spannenden Lernaktivitäten. Ich werde mit der Fahrt nach Wien starten. Dort haben wir einen Tagesausflug gemacht und konnten das Museum von Prinzessin Sissi in der Hofburg sehen. Vor dem Schloss standen Kutschen, die ich beeindruckend fand. Wir haben auch die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek gesehen. Auf dem Weg haben wir Vanya Deliyska, bekannte Chordirigentin in meiner Heimatstadt Pleven, getroffen. Die Wanderung in Graz war für mich ein tolles Erlebnis. Wir waren auf dem Schlossberg und sind danach durch die Altstadt gelaufen. Vom Uhrturm bis zur Altstadt sind wir auf der längsten Underground-Rutsche der Welt gerutscht, was ich sehr genossen habe. Unsere GitarrenlehrerInnen waren Stefan Skrilecz, Bozhana Pavlova und Florian Palier. Sie waren sehr nett und wir haben sehr gut zusammengearbeitet. Bei den Meisterkursen konnte ich viel lernen. Danke für die unvergesslichen Momente!
Yana A.
The Erasmus+ project that we had the opportunity to be a part of was one of the best experiences of my life. After so much time spent at home, without traveling or concerts I was really excited about every part of the event. I enjoyed everything, the new things that we learned, the people that we met, the views that we saw. I’m really glad that we had the chance to work with such great teachers and exchange experience with our peers. The organization of the trips, seminars, masterclasses and concerts was really good and I am thankful that I participated in something so big and meaningful. I will remember it forever.
Впечатленията ми са безбройни. Всичко, което видях там не може да се опише колко беше красиво. Разходката из Грац,екскурзията до Виена и похода. Научих много неща от преподавателите си. Ще започна от Виена , там бяхме на екскурзия и видяхме замъка на кралица Сиси. Имаше файтони пред замъка ,бяха много красиви. Видяхме също библиотеката на Виена. Също се срещнахме с Ваня Делийска. За похода ще кажа,че катерихме планина и на върха имаше голяма пързалка, която водеше до града. Преподавателите бяха Щефан и Божана Павлова .С двамата работихме много добре. Дадоха ми много добри съвети. Те бяха много мили. Благодаря за изживяните моменти.
Kaloyan R.
After 2 years of waiting and preparing for this project, it finally happened and it was fantastic. The first part of the project, when we went to Graz, they welcomed us with a concert and then we met our colleagues from Graz and their teachers. They were very kind and welcoming. The next day I had master class which was very productive. The food was different, not in a bad way just different. We went on a trip to Vienna and we went to see Belvedere palace it was beautiful. The organization was really good. And the concert, at the end of our stay in Graz, was magical. And the second part of Erasmus + which take place in Pleven was very well organized. After all I made really good friends and I met some very experienced teachers. I’m sad that all this had to end.
25. Febuary 2021
Online Concert

Due to the Corona pandemic the first meeting of our schools took place as an Online Concert. 

Here you can rewatch it!

06. - 12. September 2021
Students from Pleven came to Graz

The second time we met the students from Pleven were our guests and visited us in our beautiful city Graz.

Here you can learn about Graz


26. September - 03. October 2021
Students from Graz visited Pleven

After the great time we spent in Graz, the third meeting took place in Pleven. The Bulgarian hospitality impressed our students very much.

Here you can learn about Pleven´


Report of the trip

26. Juni - 03. July
Students from Graz travelled to Pleven a second time

During this visit our students also attended the 8th Pleven guitar festival. 
